Executive Committee WG Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion


The Working Group (WG) on Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion was formed in 2012 as one of the working groups in Commission C1 and since 2019 is an IAU Executive Committee working group.

The WG’s objective is to address the systemic structure, functions, processes and attitudes that result in the exclusion or restricted participation of under-represented groups in the field of astronomy. Key to achieving this goal is research into and the development of strategies, tools and resources that will enable the equal participation in astronomy of people of different ethnic, cultural, religious background, gender, and disability identities.

The WG supports the United Nations human rights conventions that “assures all humans with the right to work and education, and that everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination”. Outlining and prioritizing diversity this Working Group seeks to build new strategies, tools, and resources that will facilitate access to astronomical resources and careers for people who belong to under- and non-represented groups in the astronomical sciences, whether ethnic, cultural, racial, language and religious groups, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTIQ+ community, age range, socio-economic status, and including individuals who occupy the intersections of these identities.

The IAU EC WG on Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion sub-groups are subsets of the working group created to focus, both discussions and actions, on the different fields across inclusion.

The sub-groups

  • Intend to build upon specific networks within IAU and bring in external expertise, with their members steering and informing the WGs global actions.
  • Identify specific needs in the community and draft courses of action and guidelines, aligned with both the IAU Strategic Plan 2020-2030 and the Springboard of Action leveraging all dimensions of inclusion on research, outreach, education and development.
  • Are in contact and close collaboration with each other through email, basecamp or online meetings, accessing the intersectionality aspects inherent to the field, avoiding duplication of the efforts carried.

You can read more about the subWGs and contact their coordinators here

EC Liaison: Debra Elmegreen (Past President)




Executive Committee Working Groups undertake essential functions on behalf of the IAU as a whole. It is at the discretion of the EC how long the ECWG continues. Every three years there should be an evaluation of the current Chair as well as the continuation of the WG. A second term could be considered but no longer (6 years max).

Renewed for the Triennium 2024-2027.

Working Group Web Page

Working Group Members (196)


Executive Committee

Susana E. Deustua

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sensor Science Division
100 Bureau Drive
MS 8444
Maryland (MD)
United States

Organization website: http://www.nist.gov

NCA adherence: United States

Last updated:
February 15, 2025

Jacob Noel-Storr

Rijksuniversitet Groningen
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Landleven 12
9747 AD Groningen

Phone: +31 5859573125
Personal website: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~noelstorr
Organization website: http://www.insightstem.org

NCA adherence: United States

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

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