Past Commission B3 Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics for 2018-2021
Parent Division:
In most of the 20th century, astronomers investigated cosmic phenomena by careful study of individual objects or small samples of planets, stars, galaxies and diffuse media. Datasets were often modest in size with zero (photometry), one (spectra, light curves), or two (images) dimensions. But in the 21st century, increasing resources are devoted to wide-field astronomical surveys, three- or multi-dimensional data, and high-throughput instruments that produce peta-scale datasets and giga-scale samples. In addition to the growing tasks of data reduction, science analysis is becoming more complex. Astronomical insights require characterizing structure in images, spectra or time series. Astrophysical insights require fitting nonlinear, sometimes high-dimensional models to data. Modeling involves both small and large datasets.
IAU Commission B3 focuses on the statistical, computational methodological challenges arising in the various fields of astronomy. It assists the astronomical community in learning existing, and developing new, advanced methodologies to accomplish its goals in this changing environment. The Commission encourages liaison with professional communities in the fields of statistics, applied mathematics and computer science, and with private enterprises. It sponsors meetings and discussions to promulgate advanced methodologies to seek the best scientific insights from the growing flow of data.
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