Division J Galaxies and Cosmology


Division J focuses on the physics of the Universe and galaxies beyond our Milky Way using theory, simulations, and panchromatic observations. Div J connects across many of the other Divisions and has strong overlap with Div B, Div D, Div G and Div H.

The main themes of Division J include:

  1. Physics and content of the Universe
    The early Universe, cosmological models;
    Baryonic and non-baryonic matter, dark matter and dark energy, origin of gravitational waves
  2. Evolution of structures
    Cosmic backgrounds (CMB, and all backgrounds from radio to gamma-rays);
    Populations of galaxies, galaxy clusters and groups, intergalactic medium, cosmic web
  3. Formation and evolution of galaxies
    Reionization, first objects;
    AGN, starbursts, massive galaxies;
    History of star formation;
    Physics of galaxies at all redshifts, role of the environment.
  4. Spatially resolved galaxies
    Star formation in galaxies, stellar populations;
    Circumgalactic medium; galactic sub-structure
  5. Science and Data Analysis Methods for extra-galactic and cosmological surveys
    Large-scale visualization of galaxies/simulations;
    Data mining, deep and machine learning algorithms

Division Web Page

Division Members

  • Total number of active members: 4109
  • Number of junior members: 425

Participating Commissions

Inter-Division G-H-J Commission Stellar Clusters
Inter-Division D-G-H-J Commission Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions
Inter-Division B-H-J Commission Intergalactic Medium
Commission J3 Galaxies at the Epoch of Reionisation
Cross-Division D-J Commission Supermassive Black Holes, Feedback and Galaxy Evolution

Cristina Carmen Popescu

University of Central Lancashire
Jeremiah Horrocks Institute
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1772893551
Organization website: http://www.star.uclan.ac.uk

NCA adherence: United Kingdom

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

Stephen Serjeant

Open University
School of Physical Sciences
Faculty of Science
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)1908 652724
Personal website: https://stephenserjeant.github.io/
Organization website: http://astronomy.open.ac.uk

NCA adherence: United Kingdom

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

Kim-Vy Tran

University of New South Wales
School of Physics
Sydney 2052
New South Wales (NSW)

Personal website: https://www.kimvytran.org

NCA adherence: Australia

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

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