Commission G2 Massive Stars
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Press release
"Closest black hole" system found to contain no black hole
Frost, Bodensteiner et al.
Below is an artist’s impression of a much-discussed exotic stellar system, HR 6819. HR 6819 (d=350pc, V=5.4mag) made headlines in 2020 when it was claimed to be a triple system containing "The nearest black hole to Earth" (Rivinius et al. 2020, A&A, 637, 3). The system showed a complex spectra, with absorption lines associated with a B-type star and emission lines coming from a classical Be star - a B-type star that is rotating so fast it has formed a decretion disc about its equator that is producing strong (particular Balmer) emission. By using multi-epoch FEROS spectra Rivinius et al. thought that the Be star was barely moving and therefore on a very long orbit, whilst the B star was on a 40-day orbit with an unseen object. Others had other ideas though and, for example, Bodensteiner et al. 2020 (A&A, 641, A43, 16) instead found that they could model the spectra with a binary system. In their scenario, the Be star was in the 40-day orbit with the B star, and the B star had to be stripped. This stripping would be the result of an interaction between the two stars, where the B star had expanded during it's main-sequence evolution, went through Roche Lobe overflow, and the subsequent transfer of mass and momentum turned the companion into a fast-rotating B star and stripped the donor star of its envelope. Frost et al. 2022 (A&A. 659, L3, 12) used new observations taken with the MUSE and GRAVITY instruments at the Very Large Telescope/Interferometer to determine which of the two scenarios was the case. With MUSE, they found that there was no Be star at large scales, as required by the black-hole scenario. With GRAVITY they detected the presence of two stars separated by ~1mas, comparable to a 40 day orbit, and in addition found evidence of a stellar-radii sized disc around the brighter star thanks to a double-peaked profile in the spectrum of their GRAVITY data. All this combined implied that HR 6819 was indeed a post-interaction Be+stripped B star binary system, with no black hole.

For more information, see the ESO press release: