Affiliations with Commission C5 Cultural Astronomy

Gullberg, Steven
Lopez, Alejandro
Hoffmann, Susanne
Organizing Committee
Adams, Danielle (Junior Member) Belmonte Aviles, Juan Antonio Blumenthal, Kelly (Junior Member)
Gautschy, Rita González-García, A. César Gullberg, Steven (President)
Hamacher, Duane Hayashi, Saeko Hoffmann, Susanne (Secretary)
Lopez, Alejandro (Vice President) Mejuto Gonzalez, Javier (Advisor) Ruggles, Clive
Shylaja, B. Urama, Johnson
Mejuto Gonzalez, Javier
Commission Members
Adams, Danielle (Junior Member) Allen, Veronica (Junior Member) Alves Brito, Alan
Antonello, Elio Argo, Megan Babu, G.S.D.
Badolati, Ennio Belmonte Aviles, Juan Antonio Blumenthal, Kelly (Junior Member)
CAI, Kai Carlson, John Corbin, Brenda
Dalgleish, Hannah (Junior Member) Dimitrijevic, Milan Durst, Steve
Folgueira, Marta Galindo-Trejo, Jesus Gandolfi, Giangiacomo
Gangui, Alejandro Garcia, Beatriz Gautschy, Rita
Gomez, Edward Gomez-Ruiz, Arturo González-García, A. César
Gullberg, Steven Hamacher, Duane Hayashi, Saeko
Hayli, Abraham Hidayat, Bambang Hockey, Thomas
Hoffmann, Susanne Holbrook, Jarita Hopkins, Andrew
Houston, Gordon Impey, Christopher Katsanikas, Matthaios
Krupp, Edwin Laychak, Mary Beth Lee, Annette (Junior Member)
Liritzis, Ioannis Lopez, Alejandro Mallamaci, Claudio
Malville, J. Masiero, Joseph Medina, Sac Nicte X. (Junior Member)
Mejuto Gonzalez, Javier Mickaelian, Areg Miller, Steve
Milone, Eugene Mitton, Simon Munro, Andrew
Norris, Raymond Orchiston, Wayne Preston, Robert
Rappenglück, Michael Ros, Rosa Ruggles, Clive
Schechner, Sara Shylaja, B. Sigismondi, Costantino
Simonia, Irakli Spuck, Timothy (Junior Member) Stavinschi, Magda
Strubbe, Linda Sullivan, III, Woodruff TOMITA, Akihiko
Torres, Jesus Rodrigo Trimble, Virginia Ulla Miguel, Ana
Urama, Johnson Usher, Peter Valls-Gabaud, David
Vargas Dominguez, Santiago Vasquez, Nicolas VAUCLAIR, Sylvie
Vavilova, Iryna Venturi, Tiziana Verma, Murli
Villar Martin, Montserrat Walker, Constance Wehmeyer, Benjamin (Junior Member)
Wolfschmidt, Gudrun Yelkenci, Aysegul Zotti, Georg
Commission Associates
Abelson, Shannon Balbi, José Barbosa, Priscila
Bates, Bryan Begay, David Bender, Herman
Bhattarai, Suresh Bustamante, Patricio Campion, Nicholas
Cardoso, Walmir Case, Stephen Catricheo Villagran, Yasmin
d´Ans, Barthélemy Davis, Brian Davis, Margaret
Determann, Jörg do Amaral Ferreira, Marcelo Douchin, Dimitri
Eisvandi Dehnoei, Parham Farmanyan, Sona Frank, Roslyn
Fuller, Robert Ghezzi, Ivan Gomez, Cecilia
Goto, Akira Horowitz, Wayne Iwaniszewski, Stanislaw
Khan, Muhammed Khezri, Hossein Kretzer, Olaf
Lasisi, Olanrewaju Leaman, Trevor Lima, Flavia
Martinez-Borravo, Monica Maryboy, Nancy Mohammed, Isa
Mudrik, Armando Munson, Gregory Negru, Cristina
Palumbo, Daniel Pankenier, David Papari, Maryam
Parracho Silva, Fabio Pasztor, Emilia Pérez-Gutiérrez, Manuel
Pierik, Maaike Ricker, James Rodas Quito, Eduardo
Rokni, Mahdi Romain, William Saul, John
Šprajc, Ivan Thresher, Ann Vickers, Doris
Wolf, Alexander Ziółkowski, Mariusz


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