Affiliations with Commission A2 Rotation of the Earth

Escapa, Alberto
Nastula, Jolanta
Fernandez, Laura
Organizing Committee
Escapa, Alberto Fernandez, Laura Heinkelmann, Robert (IAG Representative)
Malkin, Zinovy Nastula, Jolanta Nilsson, Tobias
Salstein, David Schuh, Harald Souchay, Jean
Thaller, Daniela (IERS Representative) Titov, Oleg (IVS Representative) ZHANG, Mian
Malkin, Zinovy
Commission Members
Archinal, Brent Baenas, Tomás Bangert, John
Belda Palazon, Santiago Bishop, Roy Bizouard, Christian
Blakeslee, John Böhm, Sigrid Böhm, Johannes
Bourda, Geraldine Brosche, Peter Brumberg, Victor
Brzeziński, Aleksander Campbell, Robert Capitaine, Nicole
Cefola, Paul CHAO, Benjamin Chapanov, Yavor
Charlot, Patrick CHOI, Go-Eun (Junior Member) Damljanovic, Goran
De Biasi, Maria Defraigne, Pascale Dehant, Véronique
de Witt, Aletha Dick, Wolfgang Dickman, Steven
Durst, Steve Elipe, Antonio Escapa, Alberto
Fernandez, Laura Ferrándiz, Jose Flohrer, Claudia
Folgueira, Marta Galindo Mendoza, Francisco Javier Gambis, Daniel
Gaume, Ralph Gerlach, Enrico Getino Fernández, Juan
Gordon, David Gross, Richard Gusev, Alexander
Heinkelmann, Robert Hennessy, Gregory Hilton, James
Hobiger, Thomas Hohenkerk, Catherine Huang, Cheng-Li
Ishchenko, Maryna Jacobs, Christopher JIN, Shuanggen
JIN, WenJing Jovanovic, Bora Kaplan, George
Khoda, Oleg Khoptar, Alina (Junior Member) Kosek, Wiesław
KOYAMA, Yasuhiro Krasna, Hana Kunjaya, Chatief
Le Bail, Karine LU, Chunlin Lucchesi, David
Luzum, Brian Ma, Chopo MacMillan, Daniel
Malkin, Zinovy MASAKI, Yoshimitsu Matsakis, Demetrios
McCarthy, Dennis Morrison, Leslie Müller, Jürgen
Nastula, Jolanta Navarro, Juan F. Navarro Nilsson, Tobias
Nothnagel, Axel Nurul Huda, Ibnu (Junior Member) Osório, Isabel
Owis, Ashraf Pang, Kevin Paquet, Paul
Pešek, Ivan Petit, Gérard Poma, Angelo
Prema, Paresh Ray, James Rogister, Yves
Romero Pérez, Maria Ron, Cyril Saleh Almohammadi, Abdul-Rahman
Salstein, David Sansaturio, Maria Schuh, Harald
Šegan, Stevo Seitz, Florian Seitz, Manuela
Selim, Hadia Sevilla, Miguel SHU, Fengchun
Sidore'nkov, Nikolay Souchay, Jean Steigenberger, Peter
Tapley, Byron Thaller, Daniela Thomas, Maik
Titov, Oleg Triana, Santiago Vondrak, Jan
Wallace, Patrick WANG, Guangli Yatskiv, Yaroslav
YU, Nanhua ZHANG, Mian Zharov, Vladimir
ZHOU, Yonghong


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