Letters of Intent received in 2021
LoI 2023-2143
Non-GA Symposium: Astrobiology and Society
13 March 2023 to 17 March 2023 |
Non-GA Symposium
Cyprus Space Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus
George A Danos (george@space.org.cy) |
Coordinating division:
Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage |
Other divisions:
Division F Planetary Systems and Astrobiology
Co-Chairs of SOC:
Marcello Coradini (Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO)) |
| John Rummel (SETI Institute) |
Co-Chairs of LOC:
George A Danos (Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO)) |
| Colm Larkin (Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO)) |
- Planetary environments' protection
- Education and awareness on respecting planetary environments potentially relevant for astrobiology
- Forward and backward biological contamination
- Societal and philosophical impact of potential extraterrestrial life discovery
Dear Colleagues,
This letter of intent briefly describes a (non-GA) IAU Symposium in Nicosia, Cyprus during March 2023. The title of the Symposium would be: Astrobiology and Society.
This IAU symposium proposes a meeting of a unique mix of astrobiologists and planetary scientists and engineers who will set the “scene” and will pave the way to stimulating discussions with sociologist, anthropologists and philosophers on:
- the impact of the discovery of even a simple form of extra-terrestrial life;
- the direct environmental challenges that need to be considered during space exploration, namely in the form of forward and back contamination;
- the preservation of terrestrial areas with conditions that can serve as analogues to extra-terrestrial environments, areas with conditions like those under which life originated on Earth;
- education and awareness on respecting planetary environments potentially relevant for astrobiology;
The above issues need to be approached from a technical perspective, but also from an educational and societal perspective. And these must be understood within a broader context of ensuring the sustainability of practices, both scientific and commercial.
There are strong links between astrobiology and environmental concern. As well as impinging upon issues of law and governance, astrobiology is also bound up with questions concerning who we are and where we come from, worldview questions of a more existential and philosophical sort. The questions that it seeks to tackle have, for centuries, have been central to the humanities and to social science disciplines.
As far as education and society is concerned, Astrobiology deals with research questions, which are at the core of our human existence that capture the attention by scholars and students of all age groups. As it is an interdisciplinary research field, it can be included in curricula of different STEM disciplines, as well as humanities and social sciences at almost all levels of education and outreach.
But furthermore, we aim to discuss and understand the relationships between astrobiology and the social sciences, particularly anthropology and sociology in order to take a closer look at the possible impact of the discovery of extra-terrestrial life on theology and philosophy. With the imminent launch of the JWST and the research of Perseverance on Mars, as well as the soon to be launched Europa Clipper, we may soon discover alien life in our solar system and beyond.
Astrobiology has clear existential implications, but beyond these, it also has concrete cultural, ethical, societal, educational, political, economic, and legal consequences. How will the general public react if we discover life on another planet? What pedagogic role can astrobiology play in elementary and higher education? How should this be politically managed and how should it be legally regulated?
The USA is currently the main leading nation within astrobiology with the largest number of researchers as well as the highest level of research output. European research teams are, however, already playing an important role and have provided several major breakthroughs in the field. We expect this discipline to spread rapidly all over the world given the large breath of disciplines it encompasses and the potential implication for our society.
Because of its location at the meeting points of 3 continents, Europe, Africa and Asia, Cyprus is an ideal location to hold this symposium. Also, as a new country member of the IAU, engaging in space and research, it is a fertile location to address the above issues with an excited and engaged public and political class. Especially, in a target region where we intent to fertilize grassroots in astronomy, as an emerging new region in astronomy and space sciences.
In 2021, the Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO) has been selected by the IAU OAE as an International Astronomy Education Centre for the region of the Eastern Mediterranean and Africa, to disseminate education and bring together diverse cultures from the entire region, under one sky.
We propose to hold the symposium at the International Astronomy Education Centre (hosted at the Cyprus Space Centre), a high tech facility in the heart of Nicosia, that can host over 150 participants and conduct education and workshops, whilst being easily accessible from countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East - which are main target areas to disseminate the thematic of this symposium.
CSEO has hosted in Cyprus many space and astronomy related international conferences so far. Indicatively, in 2018 CSEO organised in Cyprus the “Mars Upper Atmosphere Network International Space Summit” which was attended by space leaders from around the world, such as the NASA Chief Scientist, the Director of the Russian Space Institute and many others. In 2019, the International Reference Ionosphere workshop of COSPAR was held in Cyprus. CSEO also hosted twice the Annual Moon Village Association Workshop and Symposium, in 2020 and in 2021. These conferences received a great positive reaction from the participants, welcoming them as successful, inclusive and productive gatherings.
CSEO has a dissemination network of over 275,000 people, reaching 3 million people every month. This large online network can also be engaged during this symposium to further disseminate the proposed event, via CSEO's broadcasting platforms.
Chairing the SOC of this proposed symposium, will be two prominent scientists that have contributed greatly in the field of Astrobiology and the search for life.
Prof Marcello Coradini as Head of Solar System and Robotic Exploration of the European Space Agency - ESA (1987-2010) and ESA Programs Coordinator at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - JPL (2010-2015), has led multiple missions to Mars and Jovian/Saturnian satellites seeking to find extra-terrestrial life. Recently he has been heading a team that discovered strong evidence of liquid underwater lakes under the surface of Mars.
Prof John Rummel as NASA’s Senior Scientist for Astrobiology and as NASA’s Planetary Protection Officer - PPO (1986-1993 and 1998-2008), has been responsible for both the Life Support and Exobiology Implementation Teams under the US-USSR Joint Working Group in Space Biology and Medicine, and has received multiple awards for leadership in fostering NASA-sponsored life science research, from the IAA for significant and lasting contributions to the advancement of the astronautical sciences, and from NASA for outstanding management of space science programs.
Chairing the LOC is George A Danos, Honorary Member of the IAU and a person coordinating space and astronomy activities in the wider region, with a team that has a vast experience in organizing international symposia and conferences. He is also the President of the Parallel Parliament for Entrepreneurship of Cyprus, thus able to invite politicians and decisions makers from around the region, ensuring that the environmental outcomes of this symposium can be filtered through regionally into national actions.
With the above we aim to hold an engaging, productive, stimulating and internationally bridging symposium that will furthermore strengthen the involvement of the region in astronomical research and more specifically via such an engaging topic to stimulate the younger generation in choosing astronomy as a field of study.
Thanking you for your consideration and looking forward to working with the IAU on this proposed symposium.