Letters of Intent received in 2020
LoI 2022-2125
Variable stars in the Era of Big Data: Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astronomy
22 August 2022 to 26 August 2022 |
Non-GA Symposium
Cairo, Egypt
Somaya Saad (saadmhsaad@gmail.com) |
Coordinating division:
Division G Stars and Stellar Physics |
Other divisions:
Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage
Chair of SOC:
None (None) |
Chair of LOC:
None (None) |
1) Variable stars, Binary and multiple systems: kinematics, and dynamics
2) Observational tools: (astrometry, photometry, spectroscopy, polarimetry)
3) Big data , based on ground and space missions and astronomical discovery
4) New approaches to data reduction, management and analysis
5) Multi-messenger astronomy
6) Binary systems and planetary science
7) A look at JWEB: Future and powerful space mission
Stellar variability is very huge in scale. As stars evolve some pulsation on time scale ranging from second to years, other stars vary irregularly. Study of each particular type of stellar variation can shed light on the structure and life history of stars. Binaries are consider as powerful tools for testing stellar structure and evolution models, where the main stellar parameters of the binary companion, mass, radii, luminosity, … can be accurately determined, it also considered as astrophysical laboratories propping the internal structure, core convection, and evolution of some more energetic binaries i.e Cataclysmic variables (CVs), X-ray binaries. The Eclipsing binaries are very useful for distance scale, few cases are now well known in the Magellanic Clouds and used to improve the local distance scale. The occurrence of binary systems in clusters is very frequent (Abt 1983), indicating the relationship between the dynamical processes and physical content, and give a good understanding for the dynamical evolutionary history of the host cluster. .
Interacting binaries are considered an important players in stellar evolution, the more massive the stars, the more important the impact of binarity. The massive binaries ( O or B type stars ) play a crucial role in the Universe, since knowing the distributions of their orbital parameters is important for a wide range of topics, from stellar feedback to binary evolution channels, from the distribution of supernova types to gravitational wave progenitors.
Throughout the past decade, several new astrophysical messengers have provided us with new insights into the most violent phenomena in the Universe: starting with high-energy gamma rays, the detection of an astrophysical flux of high-energy neutrinos and the first direct detection of gravitational waves.
Recently, in the era of Big Data, LSST, Pan-STARRS, GAIA, VVV, OGLE, and TESS … etc provided us with a tremendous amount of data, both in wide electromagnetic ranges and time-domain which has improved our knowledge about the structure and evolution of the universe, solving many issues related to this research area and confirmed the presence of exo-planets, one of the most interest field of research.
The scope of the meeting will extend to cover the topic of multi-messenger astronomy, the meeting will dealing with the compact object i.e neutron stars which play a significant role in tracing all multi-messenger signals and also it considered as perfect tools for probing not only the extreme gravity but also the other forms of interactions which allow learn more about the physical processes and contribute significantly in realizing about the universe. We are aiming in light of the above to bring together all scientists that work in the related fields of interest to discuss and present a well-balanced scientific program covered almost the main research in the physics and evolution of close binaries. The advances on the underlying physics and observational techniques in addition to many other poorly understood aspects in this subject will be presented.
Topics related to the history of Egypt, Ancient, Arabic and Islamic Astronomy heritage as well as and first big data Almagest.(Ptolemy) will take part of the meeting, since the land of Egypt and its scientists have been shared the bulk of this history. Also the meeting will be very excellent opportunity to charring the progress and the awareness of the Astronomy and space sciences through organizing outreach programs for public and high school teachers dealing with the recent Astronomical big exploration with supplementary exhibition .