Letters of Intent received in 2019

LoI 2021-2119
IAU Focus Meeting: Sub-arc second High Resolution Solar Physics

Date: 16 August 2021 to 27 August 2021
Category: GA Focus meeting
Location: Busan, Korea, Rep of
Contact: Debi Prasad Choudhary (debiprasad.choudhary@csun.edu)
Coordinating division: Division E Sun and Heliosphere
Other divisions: Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
Co-Chairs of SOC: Debi Prasad Choudhary (None)
Vasyl Yurchyshyn (None)
Arkadiusz Berlicki (None)
Chair of LOC: None (None)



(d) a short list of topics to be addressed at the Meeting (up to 10 topics):
1. Source and sink of Evershed Flows
2. Physics of sunspot fine structures
3. Chromosphere and coronal heating
4. High resolution study of the origin of variation in Total Solar Irradiance
5. Energy transport through quiet sun atmosphere
6. Physics of solar filaments and prominences
7. High Resolution spectropolarimetry
8. Emerging Adaptive Optics techniques
9. Software tools for high resolution solar observations
10. Expectation from large solar telescopes



Rationale: The sun being a star proximity to the earth, it offers opportunity to study the stellar physics in detail on very fine scales. As the technology advanced, in past few decades it has become possible to study the physical processes governed by complex plasma motion in a magnetic environment in detail. The past decade has not only witnessed advancement in post focal-plane solar instrumentation but also building of telescopes with aperture larger than 1-meter size. The Goode Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory, GREGOR telescope in Tenerife and the Chinese 1-meter telescope in Kunming and the examples of large telescope equipped with wide field adaptive optics. These instruments have provided opportunity to explore sub-arc second solar physics. In 2020, the commissioning of Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), a four-meter class telescope, would provide valuable opportunity for research in this field. The 2021 General Assembly of IAU will give a timely opportunity for discussing and identifying the problems related to the topics listed in section d that would make use of the sub-arc second observations.