IAU Special Sessions (GA)
SpS12: Modern views of the interstellar medium
Start date/time
August 27, 2012, 00:00
End date/time
August 30, 2012
China, Nanjing
You-Hua Chu
Event website
Coordinating Division
Division VI Interstellar Matter
SOC Co-Chairs: You-Hua Chu (United States), Dieter Breitschwerdt (Germany)
SOC Members: Michael Burton (Australia), Miguel de Avillez (Portugal), Erwin de Blok (South Africa), Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino (Brazil), Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar (Germany), Edith Falgarone (France), Tom Hartquist (United Kingdom), Bon-Chul Koo (Korea, Rep of), Naomi McClure-Griffiths (Australia), Eve Ostriker (United States), J. Xavier Prochaska (United States), Laszlo Viktor Toth (Hungary), Enrique Vazquez-Semadeni (Mexico), Keiichi Wada (Japan), Mark Wolfire (United States), Ji Yang (China Nanjing)
Editors of Proceedings: You-Hua Chu (United States), Dieter Breitschwerdt (Germany)
- Physical Structure and phase distribution of the ISM in a galaxy
- Multi-wavelength observations of ISM in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies
- Recent theory/MHD simulation of ISM in a galaxy: magnetic field and turbulence
- Integrated picture of interstellar structure in a galaxy: relation among gas, dust, magnetic fields, cosmic rays, etc.
- The interstellar disk-halo connection in galaxies.
- Interplay between stars and ISM: star formation and feedback
- Observations vs. Theory of the ISM
- How does the Galactic ISM help us understand the ISM in other galaxies?
- How does the nearby ISM help us understand the ISM in the distant past?