Start date/time
October 3, 2016
End date/time
October 7, 2016
Cartagena de Indias,
Mario Armando Higuera Garzón
Event website
Proposer details
Mario Armando Higuera Garzón (
Av. Carrera 30 # 45-03. Cód. postal 111321
Ciudad Universitaria
Bogotá Colombia
Telephone: +57 1 3165222
Chair of SOC
Santiago Vargas (OAN, Colombia)
SOC Members
Roberto Cid Fernandes (UFSC, Brazil)
Guillermo Bosh (UNLP, Argentina)
Zulema Abraham (IAG/USP, Brazil)
Octavio Valenzuela (UNAM,Mexico)
David Ardila (Caltech, Colombia)
Gustavo Bruzual (UNAM, Mexico)
Gladis Magris Crestini (CIDA, Venezuela)
Paulina Lira (U de Chile, Chile)
Juan Rafael Martinez (CfA, Colombia)
Tabaré Gallardo (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Andreas Reisenegger (PUC, Chile)
Chairs of LOC
Mario Armando Higuera G (OAN-Colombia)
Jaime Forero (UniAndes, Bogotá, Colombia)
LOC Members
Juan Carlos Muñoz Cuartas (UdeA, Medellín, Colombia)
Luis Nuñez (UIS, Bucaramanga, Colombia)
Javier Montoya (Unicartagena, Cartagena, Colombia)
José Alejandro García (UniAndes, Bogotá, Colombia)
Rigoberto Casas (UNAL, Bogotá, Colombia)
Leonardo A. Pachón (UdeA, Medellín, Colombia)
Registration Fee in local currency and equivalent in EUR
650.000 pesos / EUR240.
- Planetary Systems
- Stars, stellar systems and star formation
- Interstellar medium
- Galaxies and AGNs
- Cosmology
- High Energy Astrophysics
- Instrumentation
- History, teaching and outreach
Welcome to the first IAU Regional Meeting hosted in Colombia. This meeting has been taking place, by more than 30 years, in various Latin American Countries, like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela. These meetings have promoted important interchanges of students and researchers of these countries, as well as stimulated the growth of astronomy in less scientifically developed Latin American Countries. Furthermore, XV Larim 2016, will have astronomy talks to students as well as the general public.
During the Assembly of LARIM 2013, it was decided that the next regional meeting will take place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. We will follow the same organizational practice previously adopted: the chair of the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) was indicated by the Colombian Astronomical community, as well as the LOC. The members of the SOC have been selected from the each of the participant countries.