IAUS 171 |
New Light on Galaxy Evolution
Heidelberg, F.R. Germany, June 26-30, 1995
Eds. R. Bender & R.L. Davies
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3975-4
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUS 170 |
CO: Twenty-Five Years of Millimetre-Wave Spectroscopy
Tucson, AZ, USA, May 29 - June 5, 1995
Eds. W.B. Latter, S.J.E. Radford, P.R. Jewell, J.G. Mangum & J. Bally
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4283-6
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 169 |
Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 23-29, 1994
Eds. L. Blitz & P. Teuben
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4039-6
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUS 168 |
Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiations
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 23-26, 1994
Eds. M. Kafatos & Y. Kondo
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3814-6
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUS 167 |
New Developments in Array Technology and Applications
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 23-27, 1994
Eds. A.G. Davis Philip, K.A. Janes & A.R. Upgren
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3639-9
1 Jan 1995
Electronic version
IAUS 166 |
Astronomical and Astrophysical Objectives of Sub-Milliarcsecond Optical Astrometry
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 15-19, 1994
Eds. E. Høg & P.K. Seidelmann
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3442-6
1 Jan 1995
Electronic version
IAUS 165 |
Compact Stars in Binaries
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 15-19, 1994
Eds. J. van Paradijs, E.P.J. van den Heuvel & E. Kuulkers
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3845-6
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUS 164 |
Stellar Populations
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 15-19, 1994
Eds. P.C. van der Kruit & G. Gilmore
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3537-6
1 Jan 1995
Electronic version
IAUS 163 |
Wolf-Rayet Stars: Binaries, Colliding Winds, Evolution
La Biodola, Elba, Italy, May 2-6, 1994
Eds. K.A. van der Hucht & P.M. Williams
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3183-4
1 Jan 1995
Electronic version
IAUS 162 |
Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars
Antibes-Juan-les-Pins, France, October 5-8, 1993
Eds. L.A. Balona, H.F. Henrichs & J.M. Le Contel
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-3044-7 (HB), 0-7923-3045-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1994
Electronic version
IAUS 161 |
Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging
Potsdam, F.R. Germany, August 23-27, 1993
Eds. H.T. MacGillivray, E.B. Thomson, B.M. Lasker, I.N. Reid, D.F. Malin, R.M. West & H. Lorenz
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2878-7 (HB), 0-7923-2879-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1994
Electronic version
IAUS 160 |
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1993
Belgirate, Italy, June 14-18, 1993
Eds. A. Milani, M. di Martino & A. Cellino
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2880-9 (HB), 0-7923-2881-7 (PB)
1 Jan 1994
Electronic version
IAUS 159 |
Multi-Wavelenght Continuum Emission of AGN
Genève, Switzerland, August 30 - September 3, 1993
Eds. T.J.-L. Courvoisier & A. Blecha
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2744-6
1 Jan 1994
Electronic version
IAUS 158 |
Very High Angular Resolution Imaging
Sydney, Australia, January 11-15, 1993
Eds. J.G. Robertson & W.J. Tango
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2632-6 (HB), 0-7923-2633-4 (PB)
12 Dec 1993
Electronic version
IAUS 157 |
The Cosmic Dynamo
Potsdam, F.R. Germany, September 7-11, 1992
Eds. F. Krause, K.-H. Rödler & G. Rüdiger
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2546-X (HB), 0-7923-2547-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1993
Electronic version
IAUS 156 |
Developments in Astrometry and their Impacts on Astrophysics and Geodynamics
Shanghai, China PR, September 15-19, 1992
Eds. I.I. Mueller & B. Kolaczek
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2237-1 (HB), 0-7923-2238-X (PB)
1 Jan 1993
Electronic version
IAUS 155 |
Planetary Nebulae
Innsbruck, Austria, July 13-17, 1992
Eds. R. Weinberger & A. Acker
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2439-0 (HB), 0-7923-2440-4 (PB)
1 Jan 1993
Electronic version
IAUS 154 |
Infrared Solar Physics
Tucson, AZ, USA, March 2-6, 1992
Eds. D.M. Rabin, J.T. Jefferies & C. Lindsey
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2522-2 (HB), 0-7923-2523-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1994
Electronic version
IAUS 153 |
Galactic Bulges
Ghent, Belgium, August 17-22, 1992
Eds. H. Dejonghe & H.J. Habing
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-2424-2 (HB), 0-7923-2425-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1993
Electronic version
IAUS 152 |
Chaos, Resonance and Collective Dynamical Phenomena in the Solar System
Angra dos reis, Brazil, July 15-19, 1991
Ed. S. Ferraz-Mello
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1781-5 (HB), 0-7923-1782-3 (PB)
1 Jan 1992
Electronic version
IAUS 151 |
Evolutionary Processes in Interacting Binary Stars
Córdoba, Argentina, August 5-9, 1991
Eds. Y. Kondo, R.F. Sistero & R.S. Polidan
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1731-9 (HB), 0-7923-1733-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1992
Electronic version
IAUS 150 |
Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena
São Paulo, Brazil, August 5-9, 1991
Ed. P.D. Singh
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1824-2 (HB), 0-7923-1825-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1992
Electronic version
IAUS 149 |
The Stellar Populations of Galaxies
Angra dos Reis, Brazil, August 5-9, 1991
Eds. B. Barbuy & A. Renzini
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1698-3 (HB), 0-7923-1699-1 (PB)
1 Jan 1992
Electronic version
IAUS 148 |
The Magellanic Clouds
Sydney, Australia, July 9-13, 1990
Eds. R. Haynes & D. Milne
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1110-8 (HB), 0-7923-1111-6 (PB)
1 Jan 1991
Electronic version
IAUS 147 |
Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation
Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990
Eds. E. Falgarone, F. Boulanger & G. Duvert
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1158-2 (HB), 0-7923-1159-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1991
Electronic version
IAUS 146 |
Dynamics of Galaxies and their Molecular Cloud Distributions
Paris, France, June 4-9, 1990
Eds. F. Combes & F. Casoli
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1096-9 (HB), 0-7923-1097-7 (PB)
1 Jan 1991
Electronic version
IAUS 145 |
Evolution of the Stars: the Photospheric Abundance Connection
Zlatni Pjasaci, Bulgaria, August 27-31, 1990
Eds. G. Michaud & A. Tutukov
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1127-2 (HB), 0-7923-1128-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1991
Electronic version
IAUS 144 |
The Interstellar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies
Leiden, The Netherlands, June 18-22, 1990
Ed. H. Bloemen
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1255-4 (HB), 0-7923-1256-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1991
Electronic version
IAUS 143 |
Wolf-Rayet Stars and Interrelations with Other Massive Stars in Galaxies
Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, June 18-22, 1990
Eds. K. van der Hucht & B. Hidayat
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-1086-1
1 Jan 1991
Electronic version
IAUS 142 |
Basic Plasma Processes on the Sun
Bangalore, India, December 1-5, 1989
Eds. E.R. Priest & V. Krishan
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0879-4 (HB), 0-7923-0880-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1990
Electronic version
IAUS 141 |
Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky
Leningrad, Russia, USSR, October 17-21, 1989
Eds. J.H. Lieske & V.K. Alabakin
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0786-0 (HB), 0-7923-0787-9 (PB)
1 Jan 1990
Electronic version
IAUS 140 |
Galactic and Extragalactic Magnetic Fields
Heidelberg, F.R. Germany, June 19-23, 1989
Eds. R. Beck, P.P. Kronberg & R. Wielebinski
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0704-6 (HB), 0-7923-0705-4 (PB)
1 Jan 1990
Electronic version
IAUS 139 |
Galactic and Extragalactic Background Radiation
Heidelberg, F.R. Germany, June 12-16, 1989
Eds. S.A. Bowyer & Ch. Leinert
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0841-7 (HB), 0-7923-0842-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1990
Electronic version
IAUS 138 |
Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection and Magnectic Fields
Kiev, Ukraine, USSR, May 15-20, 1989
Ed. J.O. Stenflo
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0529-9 (HB), 0-7923-0530-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1990
Electronic version
IAUS 137 |
Flare Stars in star Clusters, Associations and the Solar Vicinity
Byurakan, Armenia, USSR, October 23-27, 1989
Eds. B.R. Pettersen, L.V. Mirzoyan & M.K. Tsvetkov
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0770-4 (HB), 0-7923-0771-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1990
Electronic version
IAUS 136 |
The Center of the Galaxy
Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 25-29, 1988
Ed. M. Morris
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 90-277-0221-4 (HB), 90-277-0222-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1989
Electronic version
IAUS 135 |
Interstellar Dust
Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 26-30, 1988
Eds. L.J. Allamandola & A.G.G.M. Tielens
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0448-9 (HB), 0-7923-0448-7 (PB)
1 Jan 1989
Electronic version
IAUS 134 |
Active Galactic Nuclei
Santa Cruz, CA, USA, August 15-19, 1988
Eds. D.E. Osterbrock & J.S. Miller
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-0256-7 (HB), 0-7923-0257-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1989
Electronic version
IAUS 133 |
Mapping the Sky - Past Heritage and Future Directions
Paris, France, June 1-5, 1987
Eds. S. Debarbat, J.A. Eddy, H.K. Eichhorn & A.R. Upgren
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 90-277-2809-7 (HB), 90-277-2810-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 132 |
The Impact on Very High S/N Spectroscopy on Stellar Physics
Paris, France, June 29 - July 3, 1987
Eds. G. Cayrel de Strobel & M. Spite
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 90-277-2695-7 (HB), 90-277-2696-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 131 |
Planetary Nebulae
México City, México, October 5-9, 1987
Ed. S. Torres-Peimbert
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 0-7923-0002-5 (HB), 0-7923-0003-3(PB)
1 Jan 1989
Electronic version
IAUS 130 |
Large Scale Structures in the Universe
Balatonfured, Hungary, June 15-20, 1987
Eds. J. Audouze, M.C. Pelletan & A. Szalay
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2742-2 (HB), 90-277-2744-9 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 129 |
The Impact of VLBI on Astrophysics and Geophysics
Cambridge, MA, USA, May 10-15, 1987
Eds. M.J. Reid & J.M. Moran
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2704-X (HB), 90-277-2705-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 128 |
The Earth's Rotation and Reference Frames for Geodesy and Geodynamics
Coolfont, WV, USA, October 20-24, 1986
Eds. A.K. Babcock & G.A. Wilkins
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2657-4 (HB), 90-277-2658-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 127 |
Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies
Princeton, NJ, USA, May 27-31, 1986
Ed. P.T. de Zeeuw
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2585-3 (HB), 90-277-2586-1 (PB)
1 Jan 1987
Electronic version
IAUS 126 |
Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies
Cambridge, MA, USA, August 25-29, 1986
Eds. A.G. Davis Phillip & J.E. Grindlay
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2664-7 (HB), 90-277-2665-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 125 |
The Origin and Evolution of Neutrons Stars
Nanjing, China PR, May 26-30, 1986
Eds. D.J. Helfand & J.-H. Huang
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2537-3 (HB), 90-277-2538-1 (PB)
1 Jan 1987
Electronic version
IAUS 124 |
Observational Cosmology
Beijing, China PR, August 25-30, 1986
Eds. A. Hewitt, G. Burbidge & Li Zhi-Fang
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2475-X (HB), 90-277-2476-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1987
Electronic version
IAUS 123 |
Advances in Helio and Asteroseismology
Aarhus, Denmark, July 7-11, 1986
Eds. J. Christensen-Dalsgaard & S. Frandsen
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2614-0 (HB), 90-277-2615-9 (PB)
1 Jan 1988
Electronic version
IAUS 122 |
Circumstellar Matter
Heidelberg, F.R. Germany, June 23-27, 1986
Eds. I. Appenzeller & C. Jordan
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-2511-X (HB), 90-277-2512-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1987
Electronic version