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IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
IYA2009 Opening Ceremony - Paris
Ewine van Dishoeck
Ewine van Dishoeck
IAU Resolutions being presented at the GA 2018
IAU Resolutions being presented at the GA 2018
FETTU Exhibition in Liverpool
FETTU Exhibition in Liverpool
Melba Mouton
Melba Mouton
Naming new worlds
Naming new worlds
Heising–Simons Foundation Strengthens IAU’s Programmes for Women and Girls in Astronomy and Young Astronomers
Heising–Simons Foundation Strengthens IAU’s Programmes for Women and Girls in Astronomy and Young Astronomers
Starlink satellites on the way to parking orbit
Starlink satellites on the way to parking orbit
Presentation during the Inspiring Stars exhibition
Presentation during the Inspiring Stars exhibition
Roy Gal
Roy Gal
Opening of IAU Global Office of Astronomy for Development
Opening of IAU Global Office of Astronomy for Development
An evening with the Universe
An evening with the Universe
Women in astronomy
Women in astronomy
Earthrise from Apollo 8 (annotated)
Earthrise from Apollo 8 (annotated)
Medal and parchment
Medal and parchment
Location of 20 ExoWorlds in the Milky Way
Location of 20 ExoWorlds in the Milky Way
Astronomy for the Developing World
Astronomy for the Developing World
The home of the IAU Office for Astronomy Development (OAD)
The home of the IAU Office for Astronomy Development (OAD)
The Galileoscope
The Galileoscope
Cover of CAPjournal Issue #35
Cover of CAPjournal Issue #35
Conference dinner
Conference dinner
Women and Girls in Astronomy project poster
Women and Girls in Astronomy project poster
The Astrostays project, an OAD Flagship
The Astrostays project, an OAD Flagship
IAU exhibition at the GA 2018
IAU exhibition at the GA 2018
IAU 100th Anniversary Open-source Exhibition Premieres in Vienna
IAU 100th Anniversary Open-source Exhibition Premieres in Vienna
Logo for the Inspiring Stars exhibition
Logo for the Inspiring Stars exhibition
Kevin B. Marvel
Kevin B. Marvel
Women in Astronomy Working Group luncheon meeting
Women in Astronomy Working Group luncheon meeting
Sunspots recorded by Galileo
Sunspots recorded by Galileo
Ala Moana Beach Park map
Ala Moana Beach Park map
Celebrating dark skies protection
Celebrating dark skies protection
Women in astronomy
Women in astronomy
Asking about the Universe
Asking about the Universe
Event Horizon Telescope Q&A
Event Horizon Telescope Q&A
Aurorae (still images), First Place
Aurorae (still images), First Place
Cover of IAU100 Report
Cover of IAU100 Report
IAU flag hand-over to South Korea
IAU flag hand-over to South Korea
“Astronomy” sign language
“Astronomy” sign language
Pluto’s Sputnik Planum
Pluto’s Sputnik Planum
The Lupus 3 dark cloud and associated hot young stars
The Lupus 3 dark cloud and associated hot young stars
Group photo of the IAU General Assembly 2015
Group photo of the IAU General Assembly 2015
Planet candidates in the Solar System [unannotated]
Planet candidates in the Solar System [unannotated]
Large satellite constellation above the LOFAR telescope
Large satellite constellation above the LOFAR telescope
Learning about the Universe
Learning about the Universe
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